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Mental Health and Me

Freshman, 19, striving to understand the issue better. In my daily life, I tend to forget others that suffer from severe mental illness and often take my privileges regarding this issue for granted. I think that the push of this campaign will help us relate to these issues, bring it to light, remove stigma, and help us reflect on the issue.

I have not had much experience with mental health issues myself, thankfully, nor have I personally interacted extensively with people that are dealing with such problems. I feel like with being so busy I forget that other people have problems larger than mine. I have a couple of exams next week, two organization presentations this week, several executive meetings to attend for different student organizations, and a paper to write; not to mention keeping up with home, family and religious responsibilities. While all this can be extremely stressful, it usually does not compare to what those with mental health issues face.

I cannot imagine having to deal with mental health issues every day and being forced to feel alone in what I am going through because others would not be able to understand what it is that I am going through. They would not be able to sympathize with how every day is a struggle and may even attach me to a certain stigma like “crazy” or “unhinged.” The thing is that I do not usually think about people with mental health issues because I do not believe that I have ever had any reason to think about it. I have been absorbed in my own life and never stopped to think about this topic or just even look around!

I feel like the campaign that we are trying to launch is important, because starting the conversation about mental health will raise awareness about it and get people to stop and think about their own mental health and that of others. It will also push people to empathize with those that suffer from mental illness and not associate them to a social stigma. Having to be on top of all my assignments, studying, club and family commitments, and social responsibilities can definitely be anxiety-causing and stressful, but it helps to take a step back from my “oh so difficult” college student life. Reflecting on the challenges that others may face with mental health helps me to be more cognizant of what my stresses and issues really are.



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10/31/23:  Scandinavian Art Show


11/6/23:  Video Art Around The World


11/29/23:  Lecture: History of Art


12/1/23:  Installations 2023 Indie Film Festival

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